Da Nguyen Ton Nu

Da Nguyen Ton Nu



  • In light of Sinek's video and blog, we got 5 important tips if we want to be a good leader:
    1. Show people the aim or target of every task, work, or mission.
    2. Construct the principles for the organization with clarity, discipline and consistency.
    3. Create a safe and comfortable working environment.
    4. Communicate with members with sympathy and...

  • I think the most crucial thing to learn after this lesson is that neuroleaders need to understand their followers' mental and emotional states. Then, it provides us a foundation to get what we should do to reinforce our position like: give our opinions lastly, create a safe and sympathized working environment or offer our supporters or members a new and...

  • Such an inspirational person, Mrs. Gore. I love this video truly.

  • In Maak's research, the data showed that the brain of a good leader who has more empathy and social intelligence has more coherence between the neurons. It means they are smarter and more sensable.

  • An understanding of the brain can provide us a chance to look inside our soul and conscience. It helps us to control our words, our behavior, The more we know about ourselves, the easier we figure out others.

  • I read the article titled "Technology’s Role in Educational Inequality" and found no answer to the question about the role of technology in reducing educational inequality. It shows a lot of information about technology's benefit but none of them is used to decrease the bad effect of injustice in teaching and learning between two classes or two countries. We...

  • I think the uneven quality of teachers is one of the most serious problems making students feel inequality between two classes, two schools, or two countries. Some teachers are not good at both their teaching skill and their manner of delivering the lesson while some are so excellent and kind to their students.

  • I have a contrary opinion about the benefit of technology in solving the inequality in education. I read an interesting article about how online-learning affects badly on homeless children. And I totally agree that with poor students, using technology for learning is a disadvantage for them to keep up with their classmates. And now, I am here to explore the...

  • Hi everyone, I'm Nguyen from Vietnam. I'm recently interested in Education and I want to learn more about how to teach efficiently. I came across this course in Futurelearn and it caught my eye immediately because of its fantastic topic. That's why I'm here, try to write something to introduce myself to you. :D