María Cecilia Romero

María Cecilia  Romero

My name is Cecilia Romero. I'm from Argentina, I live precisely in Dolores, province of Buenos Aires. I'm a teacher trainer.

Location Argentina



  • Thank you for all information.

  • Thanks

  • Great exercise

  • I don´t have any problems with ¨w¨ or ¨v¨sounds

  • A very helpful exercise.

  • I can differentiate r from l.

  • It was really useful

  • I pronounce /s/well.

  • Thanks a bunch

  • I got it.Thanks!

  • I also pronounce ¨th¨with no problems

  • Thanks.

  • I can pronounce word endigs well.

  • I´m enjoying the course.

  • 10/10.

  • I´ve also learnt why some letters are silent.

  • I agree, clear L is also used in Spanish.

  • Great!

  • Done.

  • I could also see the paper move when I tried it for both sounds.

  • I also have more clarity about the pronunciation of many words.

  • It´s easier to understand Spanish and Brazilian people.

  • I also believe it helps to have clarity in the correct pronunciation of each word.

  • I also had to learn to pronounce w softly.

  • It should be practiced so as not to confuse consonant sounds.

  • For me also, consonants are more difficult than vowels.

  • I have to improve my pronunciation and practice a lot.

  • My pronunciation is more like British accent

  • Fantastic!

  • I also promounce them as diphthongs.

  • For me, the British accent is easier to understand.

  • Awesome!

  • I also heard treasure in his speech. I believe my pronunciation of strut vowel is like British accent

  • It's useful

  • The STRUT vowel is difficult for learners.

  • The video isn´t available in Argentina.

  • Good practice!

  • This exercise is fantastic.

  • I think I try to pronounce [æ], but maybe I don´t always do so.

  • Really interesting info!

  • I also like to do this type of exercises!

  • Fantastic exercise.

  • I believe I sometimes pronounce long and short vowels, but not always, when I´m reading , I do it, but in natural speech , maybe not.

  • It's important to produce the difference between long and short vowels because if we pronounce the incorrectly, we may say another word, for instance, we should bear in mind the difference between "sheep" and "ship" , the first one being with i: and the second, with i (short i).

  • Argentinian Spanish speakers tend to promounce trap as /trap/ withouth the trap vowel or ¨smiling a ¨ as I was taught at university :). As it is not a familiar sound in Spanish, they can't pronounce the "trap" vowel.

  • A great example to illustrate how important accurate pronunciation is, specially in aviation!

  • It´s a masterpiece of English pronunciation!

  • I completely enjoy the course and assignments were easy to do. The most remarkable thing that I learnt is about non rhotic and rhotic accents. I knew about the rules but didn´t know the names.

  • My wish is to speak English as a native, but it´s difficult. I´d like to improve my intonation.

  • Great...

  • Wonderful exercise

  • Another fantastic exercise.I try to focus on the British accent.

  • It's a great exercise.

  • I have a non-rhotic accent.

  • Smitt Rose, if you shut up your mouth, you´ll never improve and I think we shouldn´t compare our voice or intonation with others´. We must be tolerant. :)

  • I´d like to speak like a native, but I know it´s impossible living in Argentina, without being able to travel to England. What I´m more concerned about is intonation.

  • Fricatives and intonation.

  • Hi, as I said before, I´m a teacher trainer. I want to improve my English pronunciation and get some tools for teaching it. I´m excited about Speakpipe, I´ll use it with my learners!

  • Laura Gama it´s really easy, you enter speakpipe above and it takes you directly to record your audio, I´d recommend that you do it from a computer.

  • I agree with María Ramirez, the mail point of this course should be to be respectful of different accents. I attend many webinars and in one of them the host was from Pakistán, of course, he had a peculiar accent and a woman commented about his accent in a discriminatory way. I was really upset, other atendees told her she was being rude, eventually , she had...

  • Great, I agree with the fact that intelligibility is one of the crucial factors when speaking English.

  • Hello! I´m also from Argentina, but not from Buenos Aires city, but from Dolores.I´m a teacher trainer but I still want to improve my English.

  • I believe I´ll enjoy this course, I´m waiting for more pieces of advice.

  • Hi, a great lesson establishes real-life connections. Everyone likes a good story. The best teachers are those who can incorporate nice stories that tie in crucial concepts within the lesson helping learners to make connections to real life. New concepts are abstract to students of any age. They rarely see how it is applicable to real life. A great story can...

  • Hello everybody! My name is María Cecilia Romero. I am from Argentina.I´m a college professor and teacher trainer.I´m really interested in academic writing. I want to be more proficient in writing skills. Thanks for this opportunity.

  • Writing is a process which involves various different stages: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. It is important for a writer to work through each of the steps so as to to ensure that he has produced a polished, complete piece. The writing process is not always linear. A writer may move back and forth between steps as needed. For...

  • I´ve done the Virtual Summer Course in English Phonetics last year, delivered by your University , UCL! It was the best course I´ve ever done. So I´m glad to do this course.

  • Thank you so much!

  • I agree with Jason Espenocilla, the change to online learning greatly affected students and our´s social life. Learners feel anxious and emotionally sensitive. As educators we should support them by having individual interviews, through Meet or Zoom, for example.

  • I agree with Valentina Filina. I´d advise other teachers not to be afraid of teaching online. As she comments, it gives you flexibility.And as Joan Francisco says, we should embrace our students to help them with this new way of learning.

  • Thanks a million for this outstanding course!

  • I agree with Peter Hollly , I will go back and bookmark interesting resources.

  • I agree with you, it went fantastic.

  • I agree with Jessa Mae Banzuela, I also believe this week is a challenge. I´ve learned a lot of ideas which I can implement on my teaching career.

  • At this horrible time of pandemic, I often discuss my problems with a colleague.

  • I agree with Stephen Hanna, some of the ugliest experiences may come from stress when we teachers can’t establish a good rapport with our students in online classes.

  • I believe that feedback must be learner-centered. Thank you so much for the resources

  • Feedback is information given to the learner about the learner’s performance relative to learning goals or outcomes. It should aim to (and be capable of producing) improvement in students’ learning.

    Feedback redirects or refocuses the learner’s actions to achieve a goal, by aligning effort and activity with an outcome. It can be about the output or…

  • Assessment is the process of gathering and discussing information from multiple and diverse sources in order to develop a deep understanding of what students know, understand, and can do with their knowledge as a result of their educational experiences; the process culminates when assessment results are used to improve subsequent learning. ​Assessment is…

  • I agree with Jennifer Fundora Ramos, for me , connectivity isn’t a challenge but for many of my students it is. As I’ve already mentioned before, I’m from Argentina, we are a developing country, it’s not the same as living in the US or UK or any other developed country. In our country there are many poor people.

  • Flipped learning sounds very useful to me. I also would like to continue keeping in touch with my students as I’ve been doing since 2020, when the pandemic started. I had to move to online classes.

  • Ok. Let’s start the week!

  • Understandable, interesting, comfortable

  • Thanks! This week has been very informative and fruitful! I’m enjoying the course.

  • Hello Yousif! I’ve got the same problem in Argentina. What I’ve done is to make a video call on whats app with students who have unstable internet connections.

  • I loved this week!

  • Thanks. Breaks are crucial because they are refreshers for students and teachers.And I also believe in the saying: Practice makes perfect.

  • Quiz.

  • Fantastic.

  • I believe that breaking down the class in various stages is a good idea.

  • Discussion and collaboration.

  • It’s crucial to try to understand their background.

  • I believe the week plan is awesome.

  • I also agree with Tracey Chapleton. I also think you must know your students first. We should elicit their interests from them. We as teachers should build a sense of community.It’s specially important to talk with students about their fears about moving online.

  • Hi, everyone! I’m Cecilia from Argentina. I’m not new in online teaching, I’ve been delivering virtual classes since the pandemic started. However, I need more practice.

  • Hello! I am from Argentina.I am now teaching English language from children aged 7 years old to adults. I’m teaching all levels, from beginner to advanced students. I teach one-to-one to private students, but I also have larger classes at tertiary level. I’d like to improve my own knowledge.

  • Keeping in mind the development point of view, student-teacher interaction aids students’ memory skills, cognitive ability, physiological development, and emotional growth.

  • I feel motivated.