francisca martinez



  • I too get it sometimes and, like you Diane, quite like it. It feels like 'healing'.

  • I could not agree with you more Iris, you said it all. Thank you!

  • Deeply relaxing exercise, I too did not want to come back to the real world. I was very surprised the amount of sounds I could hear, some felt far away indeed. Thank you once again for a most instructing and useful course.

  • Interesting points Neno. I think that if one has been very conscious of the need to carry out the house cleaning, then I suppose one feels better when the task is completed (at least for a little while, it soon gets dirty!). I agree that if we are fully mindful there is acceptance and if so this would remove any need for expectations or rewards(?) Is...

  • Like you Donna and Stephani I too breathe deeply involuntarily, but I experience deep peace and relaxation. It's so good!

  • Wonderful simile of our mind being like an untrained puppy. Being gentle with myself -on the occasions I manage to achieve it- I find has a very positive effect not only on myself but also on those around me; as it helps me accept others the way they are (thereby avoiding getting annoyed with them) and helps me to be more patient in general (an end to...

  • I found very interesting the contrast between the normal lack of consciousness of my breathing and the "loud" consciousness during the exercise (the closest I can think is "hearing" your breathing). Really relaxing; as if my body was absent! I also tried mindfulness whilst eating and I was amazed at how it enhanced the tasting buds, I could literally taste...

  • I am enjoying the course very much. I found the body scan very effective and relaxing ( I had some tension on my shoulders and I was amazed how quickly it disappeared) and as Elaine says, Richard's voice is very soothing. I think I will listening to the recording till I can memorise it. I have also introduced it to my family and I am hoping it will be also...