Eamon Costello

Eamon Costello

Eamon is passionate about trying to learn about how we think, learn and work online. He is head of Open Education at the National Institute for digital Learning in Dublin City Univerty

Location Dublin


  • Firstly, you obviously care about giving your students feedback which is great. However you are worried about how to do this. This week in the course there was some great reading on Peer Assessment. Although there is much research on the benefits for learners of peer assessment it also helps you as a teacher in practical way. It’s not all on you.


  • Hi Julia, This is a wonderful sentiment and I certainly feel this way about this course. I have learned so much from everyone about so many situations and problems but also of solutions and stories of hope and ingenuity. As teachers we have an implicit love of learning and duty to safeguard education and learning in the darkest of times. This pop-up community...

  • A great point. Asynchronous comes into its own here. Everything does not have to be live. How much can students do offline? There are many "unplugged activities" that students can engage in. In the area I am most familiar with (Computing) there is a whole movement to teaching kids about computers without using them e.g. https://csunplugged.org/en/

    The idea...

  • This is a big concern of many teachers as the sad reality is that for many learners they get support and encouragement to learn in school that they may never get at home. Ultimately you know how you reach your learners in a physical class. You probably learned strategies to do this over time however. These strategies may not work right now but that does not...

  • @AmanyTawfiq Thank you for sharing this. It will help others who feel this way but may not wish to say so. It is important to know that many teachers are seeking emotional as well as pedagogical help. You are obviously someone who cares about your students, and your teaching, and are also a brave person to speak up and reach out for help. Try and take time out...

  • Very important question Abbas The European Commission have some very useful guides and resources as part of the #SaferInternet4EU campaign https://www.betterinternetforkids.eu/web/portal/resources
    There some useful videos you could share with students to help raise their awareness of important issues around privacy, cyberbullying, etc.

  • Great answer from Mark and I was going to suggest the a video made from a phone though photo is even simpler. An advantage of this approach is that most parents will have a phone or tablet that can do this.

    If you are having students create videos of themselves solving problems they could also talk through them. Some kids love this as they feel like their...

  • @MatiasMartinez Very interesting and this resonates with my own experience in trying to draw responses and inputs out of students online. Some things that may work for you depending on your context.

    If it is an option you might be able to say "I am turning on the recording feature in a minute so if there are any questions you have now..." Or "I am turning...

  • @EveyRey Firstly, you are not alone. Many others have the same concern. In a poll in week one learners on this course were asked what they felt the biggest challenge they faced was in teaching online.The most common response was "Keeping students interested and engaged" (48% of respondents).

    Think about what you think engaged means and what kind of space...

  • >> I'm wondering how I can keep the best aspects of this experience for my teaching when we move back to face-2-face teaching.

    This is a great point Marieke and a great philosophical outlet. Some things can be taught even better online.

    My Mum says something similar: What did I do on my holidays that was so good that I can do when I am back at work.

  • These are definitely challenges Clare and good that you are thinking along these lines already

  • So true. And not just students but parents and teachers too I think sometimes.

  • Thanks for sharing that. As an experienced online teacher but also a parent I am finding it really hard too. We will get there.

  • Great! Thank you Julie

  • >> will stick with GC for this term and 'potter around' with Moodle and see what I can do with it (for feasibility)

    Great strategy. Sticking with what you know for today but keeping an eye on tomorrow.

  • Zoom is a more general tool for all levels including Higher Education whilst Seesaw is more focused on schools. If you have familiarity with on already I would stick with that.

  • Hi Kate, If you already use Google Classroom I would stick with that rather than trying to move to Moodle now. Stick with what you know and see if you can try and learn and use them in better ways. Think about what messages you can give to your students via the tools you already have. How can you get some simple encouraging messages out to students regularly...