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Manjola Greku

Manjola Greku

Hi, I' m a learner and I always will be. I' m an Italian teacher who wants to discover something more about English language. I' m the mother of two boys who loves English, so I have to improve mine.

Location Venice, Italy



  • I also think it depends on your native language. I was thinking about Russian people, they use a strong " r", how difficult may be for them? But anyway I think it depends on practise too, more you become fluent, easier become to use both the forms.

  • It depends! The emphaty created in face-to-face relationship is stronger and more accurated, but it depends on the person. If you are able to make the right question, in the right moment, observe how the answer is given, you can learn from the digital profile as well. In the future we will create a digital emphaty. I think there is a big problem in how we are...

  • Manjola Greku made a comment

    Everything was an innovation in its time. We maybe today would say internet, because is its time, but far away was the fire, really important, or the wheel, or a book...all this little things were big ones. They changed the world and gave us the opportunity to improve the innovations.
    I think the most important innovation is: love. It makes the world a better...

  • They are common in Italian and Albanian.

  • Is " that thing" a metaphore?:-)

  • It is! That' s why you need to know the culture of that country for speaking that language. I (try to) speak three languages and I have to " enter" in a different me using each language, but sometimes I can wear my shoes.

  • Manjola Greku made a comment

    I really enjoyed this course! The education of the educators, their kind way to explain their ideas as simple ones, the harmony between them, makes me feel at home. I liked having the opportunity to learn from so far... Thanks!

  • I couldn' t agree more!

  • A child has a low level even in the native language, so until he/ she is in childhood we can' t realise his knowledge.
    If an adult study for all the years a child study, absolutely will do better.
    One big problem for the adult is being shy. The adult will pretend to have the same level of language he is usual to use in his native language, so exercising to...

  • It depends with who I' m speaking on. If he is my friend I' ll use :" Bye- bye!"
    If he is a formal conversation I' ll use:" Thank you for your time! Have a nice day!" or " Thanks! Goodbye!"

  • I was born at Vlore, Albania, but now I live in Venice, Italy. Different friends of mine live nearby, others in Albania, others in Greece, others in U.K. and others again in U.S.A. Often in the summer, on August we turn back at home and have a great dinner all together, it' s as many countries meet each others. Everybody talk about the country where he is...

  • I think is a server mistake. The right answer is:"Books are more boring than films!" In fact, even if it' s written no correct, the teacher has write that the right answer is:" Books are more boring than films!". There was the same problem in the first course.

  • It' s a quarter past 10 p.m

  • King' s College London thanks a lot! It' s just great can study for free, have a certification free for it is greater!Nowdays immigration is seen as a big problem, I really appreciate that the intellectual side try to work and to improve it. This is the big challenge nowdays and thanks a lot for your voice.
    I wont miss the Pre- Intermediate course and I hope...

  • I am at home at the moment. I' m cooking and until the soup is bolling I start to do some exercise in this course. There is a match on the TV, the soccer match. This days we are having the World Cup of soccer game, it' s played in Russia. My husband and one of my sons are watching the match. The other son, the eldest one, is playing on videogame. Yes, at least...

  • Hope the best for you all! Today is Thursday and I hope nothing is happen.

  • Manjola Greku replied to [Learner left FutureLearn]


  • Read books Tian! Often films are made to earn money, so there are many fantastic effects, but not a good storytelling. I agree with you.

  • I couldn' t agree more! Yes, romance films are a bit silly. I like historic films as well, or better say, a film which try to make me understand something. I don' t like fantastic films, but sometimes they're well made and you can' t enjoyed them.
    But I want to suggest you watching a film after had read the book. It' s all folks :-)

  • I use my free time for reading some novells, doing online courses and walk.

  • You made a wide list. I' ll add: learning.

  • I love studing languages, I' m a teacher of Italian language and I' m curios about grammar and rules of other languages. I hate lose my time in inmportant things. I strongly believe that the time is our treasure, we have to feed it in a healthy way.

  • The emoji... Funny and intelligent way to explain.

  • I founf this lesson on stessed sillable really useful, thanks.

  • The right answer was : She' s intelligent and creative. I don' t understand what do you intend? If you think is " ' re" because there are two adjectives, remember that you have to be concentrated on the pronoun. Hope to be helpful!

  • Hi! I am Manjola. I think I' m fun and responsable. I' m a hardworker , when I decide to do something I plan the process and work hard to reach my goal.

  • Welcome in this course Teresa! You can join even others and your live will return to be interesting. It' s a pleasure to see that many people from different country, with different ages want to learn. It' s the best way to improve the wellbeing of the world.

  • Very sweet words! You have to be a happy mother.

  • I hope you can bring some new ideas. The environment needs help nowdays. Good luck!

  • Hello! There' s another course on futurelearn to prepare for IELTS, you can join it too as well. It will help you!

  • 1997, I was 17 and I lived in Albania. Something about 8000 Kosovars came in Albania and the Albanian people helped them. Throw them there were some Serbian too. I' ll never forgot the pain of that people and the necessity for peace in their eyes, in both Kosovars and Serbians. Every kind of help was welcomed, every kind of help was useful. When the people are...

  • Strategies=lecture; skills= public talk :-)

  • As a learner of a foreign language I have to say that learning a new language makes me understand better my L1, I had to create strategies to learn and I forced my knowledges with a revision. I think, it absolutely must be difficult, but learn a new language might be the best exercise for somebody with dyslexia.

  • It' s the first time I' m studing dyslexia, but I think I had all this difficulties studing a foreign language, the same ones.

  • Good advice! I love Mary' s voice, it' s so warm and kind, she absolutely has to teach children. I think share the slides with students, to give them the opportunity to observe them by they own, it may be a good choise. We often use slides as guide, the guide in the lesson is a teacher, having the opportunity to have the teacher' s notes may help a lot.

  • @MartinPerez I totally agree!

  • Yes, I have to add that when we learn a new language, at the same time we learn the ours and understand to respect it.

  • If you don' t want to speak for "act" call it emphasy. Your voice changes above children, it' s not the same above adults. Ecc...

  • Speak a language and teach that language isn' t the same thing. The teacher has the power of teaching even if he makes mistakes in pronautation. What about a teacher of gym, does he have to be more able in exercises than young people?

  • The use of English as Lingua Franca it' s going to increase the EMI. About the mistakes a non- native speaker does I just want to say that if I had learnt Italian from Italian I' d not had learnt it at all. The natives use dialects or aren' t able to speak their language correctly, may be that they don' t make that kind of mistakes, but certainly others.

  • I was thinking about the pronautation. The pupils can listen and also see and then practise by themselves.

  • The experiments! Many times when pupils go home they can't remember everything and sometime they don' t remember a main point. Have the opportunity to see it at home may help them.

  • "Trying to be the teacher!" works! I agree with you, it makes the learner improve perfectly the skills. I was thinking about Aristotle saying to Alexander:" If you want to learn, be a teacher!"

  • Manjola Greku made a comment

    I can' t spend many time in this course, but I'm really enjoying it. I really apprecate all the material you had prepare, I don' t have time to take notes. Thanks a lot

  • Manjola Greku made a comment

    Pair and group work it' s used often nowdays. Certainly it works well and has many benefits, but I' d like to notice that work alone it' s important too. Something like grammar or maths' exercises it' s better think o lot by ourselves. I' m afraid that working always, or often in groups, makes the child lose the esteem, he/she,in different ages, doesn' t...

  • Me too! I think in L2 it' s really important create a good atmosphere in the class.

  • Hello everyone, I' m a parent, I' m not teaching at the moment. I' d like to use films in teaching languages.

  • You know what? You don' t seem as an Albanian, you are normal.
    How many times I have listened this phrase. And he/she was quite sure to make a compliment .

  • I' m waiting for it Mariana. Lets meet in this course. It takes part in a programme with three courses.

  • When someone said something true and you like it, the Albanian say:" It seems to be honey on it!" . It may be the good pronautation, it may be the calm and speak clearly, or again his gesture , but everything this man say, has such power.

  • Manjola Greku made a comment

    It was an amazing course! I find what I was looking for: good information, new knowledges, new ideas, digital resources, good advice, different materials. I find kind " students" and was a honor to share ideas and have a talk with them. And at least, thanks at you wonderful ladies, Monica and Marie- Theresa, you were great. There is a feeling between you that...

  • In my family we are bilingual, so I teached a foreign language to them.It wasn' t easy to have their motivation, I used a lot a grandparents' love. They don' t speak Italian, so we need to know to comunicate with them, it was a material need. After that I think helped me a lot activities and parties with other children that speak the same language.

  • As a mother I think that I and the teacher should be best friends, and show this good feeling between us with the child. I' d like to know from the teacher that side of my son that I could'n know. How the child is growing up, in the same way as his peers? What the child' s behaivour in the class? I' ll ask to the teacher to have a talk if something wonder she....

  • Manjola Greku made a comment

    My magic moment, as a mother, was when one of my sons learn to cycle. I had told to him for many times:" Tomorrow I' ll help you!" , so he takes the bycicle into the home and try hard. In the afternoon he came to me and loudly said:" I did it, because I' m great! I knew it! " and he gave me a big warm hug. I had teach something passively to him.

  • I remember my elder son' s teacher at the pre- school face when she has another teacher to help her. She has always told to me that the child has a little vocabolary because I were confusing him a lot trying to teach to him two languages. She said the child didn ' t speak a word in a class and I absolutely had to stop for a moment with the languages....

  • I' d like to have a house, not a school. So I' d like to have the wardrobe room, the playing room, the laboratore room, the kitchen room ecc. I' d prefer classes with 12-15 children with two teachers, but in the kitchen I' d like to have a cooker, someone who they always will find in that aerea. I' d like to have children' help to prepare everything, I' ll...

  • I think all this points are important. I think that make the child feel at home is really important, so we need to create space accessible for them. Make them feel loved is so important, so we have to listen carefully, show to them that we appreciate and love them.

  • In the previous step I didn' t understand what the key person is. It' s clearer to me after have read your post Mieke, so thanks. In Italy is the teacher who has to value the universal development of the child, he meets often the parents and makes answers to understand the clime where the child is growing up. If the teacher thinks there are something wrong...

  • So, the key person have to be a child' s familiar? A parent?
    In Italy, if the parents aren' t able to take care for the child ( for many reasons, even because of the work) it' s a familiar chosen by the parents, it' s called " tutor".

  • I think many people gave me a support to grow up, absolutely my mum and dad, my sister and my brother, all my teachers in their way. But I think that an important part of my growing up were my peers, our group, our class. It must be strange but we were a "family"and often we had to "protect" :-) each other from teachers or parents. We don' t see each other...

  • I remember my teacher' s soft hand on my head. Every morning, she said:" Here is Manjola and here is...! Welcome to you all in this new day!" It seems to listen that phrase right know.I can' t forget her voice ,her stories, her love.She lost one of her sons in that age and I strongly believe we helped her a lot. The sadness and the hope fight into her a lot....

  • In fact I ' m doing another MOOC with Helen, Teaching your subject in English. She is so kind, with a warm voice and a clear speaking. I know that my idea may be so strange, but I' d like to teach Italian and English in the same time, as grammar is a subject, vocabolary another and so on.

  • I taught Italian in Albania and I made a course organized from Ministry of Education. There were used the same questions in the beginning of the course. This questions permit to have a general idea about the knowledge of the person. But I also used them to learn more, they were informative questions.

  • A little race counting all together, one, two... And then:" He is the first; she the second..."

  • The adult needs to support the child' s learning and development creating activities to improve universal skills. It' s more difficult for a parent who doesn' t speak English to help a child to learn it, but anyway he can support the child staying with him and see a cartoon in English and praising the child when he tries to use English.

  • I' d like to know your thought about the fact that often we use books for different levels, using only a part of the grammar, so this language is " an artificial" one and it is not correct(in tenses). I mean instead of:" Upon the time there was..." in an intermediate book (B1) I find:" There is..." This learning step by step can create problems with getting...

  • One student will hide a pencil in the class. Three others student have to find it.The student will help them explaining where is the pencil ( in a corner of the class, into a girl schoolbag, on a desk in the first row...) and the students will ask during the research if the pencil is red, if it is short ecc.. When they will find it I' ll change the students...

  • Manjola Greku made a comment

    I think that " a strange lesson" may be the best one. Just telling the students that you didn' t prepare anything and you want they help and this lesson it' s going to be a simple one, may create a good clime in the class. Revision and daily life absolutely will grow up the esteem of the students.They will be the actors, they will enjoyed it, they will...

  • The students are teens 14-15 years old.
    Level- intermediate
    They are studing technology.
    I' ll introduce some new vocabolary used in the book, which they don' t already have and then we will listen the first part of " Enigma" , a book which tells the story of how Alan Turing create the first computer. In home they will read the first part and listen it in...

  • MUSIC, it sounds great! Respect our children is the key to make them be responsable!

  • I think it' s easier to work with children about the pronunciation, they will get it in exellent way. But I' m an adult learner :-) and I need to work in this age with the pronunciation, so I'll work hard to be more concentrated as possible and take all the time I need.

  • Thanks for your answer Robin! What I wanted to say was: there are two problems in reading books in English:the first one it' s about the fact that this books are adapted for different level, so they don' t use to have a compete grammar and don' t give to us the possibility to learn the right way to use the language; the second one , in my point of view, is...

  • It' s too difficult for me to understand all the comments, my English is not good enough, but I have to say that it wasn' t an effort for me to work with the dictionary for understanding them. I just want to say thank you to everyone, I find what I hoped to find here. I' m " a diverse" one, I'm an Albanian native who lives in Italy. And I have to say that isn'...

  • @ElisaValentini of course, I think as Italian you will know the Montessori theory. She was a great teacher who teach with love and in the professional way children using the play. I was only kidding about teenagers!

  • I have the necessity to read loudly :-). I know it seems funny, but it helps me to understand better. I made the same score.

  • I wonder about reading some easy adaptation even in B1, which use to use only present tense ( and a bit of past). This makes me feel confused, because I can' t realised if it' s written in the right way or not. I have the same problem with school books, I' m not sure that' s how it's used in the real life, or it' s a pedagocical written.So I'll go to read some...

  • Absolutely right! I' d like to say it works for adults as well! It' s as when somebody tells you a recipe, you won' t be able to remember it, but if you cook together following that recipe, you will remember it. It' s the same with a language, we need to observe a new vocabolary, after that mix it into phrases. Our creativity can' t be forgotten. It wakes up...

  • I hate that " once"! It creates troubles to me!

  • I have never done IELTS, but I have done CELLI, the Italian exam, and I was pretty sure on my abilities. I have to say that Listening was really difficult, because you have to be really concentrated and for a longer time you usually use to be. My advice will be: Train yourself better you can with different material, listen news in English and after that write...

  • I agree with you, having classes with the same level might help the adult as well. Or in little courses groups of friends who have fun together. I just want to say that for me the problem with the Italian or now with the English is the fact that I am not able to use that level of language that I use in my language. An adult thinks a lot about that, we present...

  • I'm bilingual and English will be my third language. I' m here for learning, that' s because I strongly believe that if we have a reason, if we are enjoying the topic, we learn better. It' s the best way to improve your skills. And studing in parallel reading, writing, listening and speaking it' s very useful. When you try to speak you make order in your brain...

  • Yes, but in a class are many learners, with different interests! If we are talking for children it maybe easier to find a cartoon, but for adults it' s harder.

  • As a learner at a foreign language ( the Italian) I' d like to say that improving the listening it' s a process that both teacher and student have to work on their own. Certainly the teacher has to follow the class step by step, and has to make the student above a challenge he can support with the right effort. But anyway I think that to feel comfortable with...

  • The songs and the movies I think

  • Reading and listening to study I think it' s a way to make together skimming and scanning ( and producing too)

  • Interesting!

  • I think I got what you want to say and I agree with you ( I' m so sorry for being only B1 in English, because this is a good point to make a conversation). I wrote BBC because I' m using it to improve my English, but the Web is full of information from differents point of view(there are also problems in it) simple information and complicated too. That " free...

  • You can' t comunicate by yourself, this is the main reason.Individually you can improve the reading and the writing, but no much listening and speaking. And with the speaking you improve grammar and vocabolary as well.

  • I'm learning right here, this is one way to use the Web.I often find free courses, they aren't free in the real life.It's another way to learn, it requieres more effort from yourself, but it's useful equal. Another way to use the Web is reading news from the world, I live abroad from my native country, Web permits me to know all about the corrent life in this...

  • This week make me think a lot about "the adults", because with the language we share many feelings, we create emphaty. This rules aren't good only for children, we need to have more patient with each-other, we need to build the relationships .

  • Me too have appreciated it a lot!

  • I'm a mum and I remember with my oldest son cooking together. He really enjoyed it ,he didn't do very much, but it made him feel important. And then, when the dady came to home he started to tell all what he had done, he was a bit shy and make him feel useful was a good choise.

  • I wonder what to do when a child create an own word or even words. My eldest son used to call the wash machine " boda" , I never understood why. In funny ways I tried to make him understand how it' s called, but there's no way! He' s 16 now and he use to do the same.

  • I need Mst. Nottingham as an English teacher! :-) His way to speaking gives the right value at every single word, you enjoy him, understand him and think as well about the topic. Yes, I agree!

  • I' d like to tell you an Albanian story: "A horse was walking down a field. He met two cows and say hi to them. The cows responded:"Hi donkey!" This happen for 5 days, the 6-th day a pig passed too. The pig asked:" Hi, who are you?" . The horse said:" Hi, I' m the donkey!"
    My dad used to tell us this story every evening :-)!

  • Wonderful video! We don' t have to labell the adults as well!

  • Oh, the third speaker seems to be me. Teachers used to call me with my sister's name and then they said:" You could never be like she, she was the bravest!" I didn' t hate my sister, but myself, I couldn't realise that the problem wasn' t me. When I was 16 I won the first place in an maths race, the teacher speaking above all the school said:" The Juliana' s...

  • @JoannaFairey I have read a message in 1.1 where you wrote that it's better to do the lessons only in classrooms, because internet isn't safe at all. I agree that internet isn't safe, but it has a great power. Reading this message where you say to be grateful for this opportunity make me so confused. What's your point of view?

  • No, I don't think this, but there are different factors and one of them it's the age. If I have to think about the way to learn in childhood I' ll start with Behaviouralism, after that Cognitive Constructivism and Social Constructivism. An adult use them all and so in the eldery , but in different measures. Another important factor it's the personality, or the...

  • @NicholasFair I absolutely agree with finding the best way to learn (so more and quickly), I was thinking about the childhood and remark that some old ways to learning weren't so bad. The brain is a muscle, fitter it is, better it works. And more able it will be to find the best way to learn and understand.The ways to fit the brain are infinite.