Skip to 0 minutes and 4 seconds Best care for people with late stage Parkinson’s disease. Are you ready to discover more? What this course is designed to do is address the existing lack of palliative care education among stakeholders involved in Parkinson’s disease and to empower them to integrate and implemented in clinical practice in a way that does great benefit for patients. In this course, we will start by exploring the coal was the pathogenesis of the disease, its treatment options and management from the early phases to the advanced and final ones, discussing the importance of a multi-disciplinary team, dress, diseases complexity. During the course, we will unpack what caregiving entails, paying attention to caregiver needs and birth and prevention.
Skip to 0 minutes and 49 seconds In the subsequent weeks, we’ll introduce the concept of palliative care, its principles and how it can be integrated in the framework of Parkinson’s disease, we will review and describe decisions about medical treatment options. In the last stages, you will learn with other researchers and condition will bring their knowledge to you from seven different countries will die due to this huge word in the framework of the pre-departure project, we look forward to seeing you in our course.