Skip to 0 minutes and 24 seconds [Singing]
Skip to 0 minutes and 32 seconds We can already find many resources and information relating to Cantonese Opera on the Internet. Through this development, we hope to organise these resources for use in learning. Using technology, we hope to introduce these valuable resources and this Intangible Cultural Heritage to more people worldwide. In particular, our younger generations. Through our MOOC, we hope to share our knowledge and experience of Cantonese Opera with people of all ages from all over the world. In designing the course, we decided to adopt the approach “from backstage to the stage” to highlight the different stages of a Cantonese Opera performance. We hope this makes the course more engaging and interesting to our online learners, and to demonstrate the variety of our subject discipline.
Skip to 1 minute and 37 seconds The course is divided into four sections. The first section is about the preparation required before a performance, including individual and team-based tasks. Second section focuses on the different types of rehearsals, as well as the various processes and how they fit together. The third section is on the performance itself. Here, we will highlight the use of make-up and costumes in the shows. Finally, we will share and discuss the traditions and cultures around this subject. After completing this course, we hope our learners will gain a basic understanding of Cantonese Opera so they can describe the different processes and work involved in organising a Cantonese Opera performance.