Skip to 0 minutes and 6 seconds MICHAEL PERIERA: Imagine a world where trucks and buses glide almost silently down our roads and highways, emitting nothing but water vapour, contributing to cleaner cities and a healthier planet. This isn’t science fiction. It’s the promise of hydrogen fuel cell technology.
Skip to 0 minutes and 28 seconds Welcome to our exciting new course on exploring hydrogen PEM fuel cell systems and balance of plant. My name is Michael Pereira, and I’m an associate professor in mechanical engineering at Deakin University and the deputy director of Hycel. I’ve been working in the area of hydrogen fuel cell research for several years, and I’m passionate about developing technology to help us rapidly decarbonize our economy. While there may not be consensus right now on the exact solutions and technology mix that will power the world’s hard-to-abate sectors like heavy transport and freight, aviation and marine, and remote and backup power, we know that change is coming quickly.
Skip to 1 minute and 8 seconds In this cutting-edge course, we will explore the technology that is widely recognised as a front runner to revolutionise these critical industries. Proton exchange membrane fuel cells, known as PEM fuel cells, are particularly relevant to heavy vehicles, light aviation, and backup power. You will learn how to select and assemble the components of PEM fuel cells and balance the plant systems understanding their unique properties and market potential. We’ll look deep into the function and relationship of each component within the PEM fuel cell system to gain a detailed understanding of how these advanced systems work together to power the vehicles of tomorrow.
Skip to 1 minute and 47 seconds Through case studies and success stories, you’ll see firsthand how PEM fuel cell technology is making a significant impact in the real world. This course is designed to be interactive and engaging, blending theoretical knowledge with practical insights. Using our expertly designed models and digital tools, you’ll gain virtual hands on experience inside the fuel cell system. So whether you’re an engineer or technical professional, a business leader or manager, or simply passionate about sustainable energy, join us on this exciting learning journey into this rapidly evolving field of our future.