Skip to 0 minutes and 5 seconds A common challenge faced by most organisations is how to develop leaders as leadership as an abstract and subtle art, often intertwined with the personality of the leader. Successful leaders are often described as systematic thinkers, effective decision makers and those who inspire followers to perform at their peak. I’m Craig Marsh and I’m the head of the Lincoln International Business School at the University of Lincoln. I’m Elaine Clark and I’m the director of education for Lincoln International Business School at the University of Lincoln. This two week course focuses on leadership. Developments through critical action learning the course would enable you to identify areas for development as a leader and provide the context and approaches for setting your own learning for professional growth.
Skip to 0 minutes and 47 seconds The course is designed for supervisors, managers and individuals at any level within the organization looking to learn how to explore and develop their skills and capabilities, and leadership. This course requires no prior knowledge to starting, so if you want to explore development at a leadership level through critical action learning methods and how this can be applied to you and your organization, then this course is for you.