Skip to 0 minutes and 6 seconds Hello, I am Lucienne Dettki, one of your educators of the One-sided Communication MOOC. I suppose that you are familiar with MPI and that you also remember Two-sided Communication?
Skip to 0 minutes and 17 seconds I’ll recap: Behind me, you can see two processes and both are busy. Now the process on the left wants to receive some data from the other process. But it has to wait till the remote process stops working and starts to send the data. Finally it can receive the data from the sending process. This was Two-sided Communication. One-sided is a new communication concept. Again we have two processes and both are busy. Now you can see, that the process on the right has made visible a part of its data. And again, the process on the left wants to receive some data from the other process. But this time, it can manage getting the data without the remote process being involved.
Skip to 0 minutes and 59 seconds It can get the data needed and it can also put data to the remote process, while the remote process continues its work. Do you want to learn more about this new communication concept? Then join our MOOC on One-Sided Communication. We are looking forward to seeing you there.
Skip to 1 minute and 16 seconds Hello everyone, my name is Zheng Meyer-Zhao, one of the educators of the MPI one-sided communication MOOC. I work at ASTRON, the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy. This MPI one-sided communication MOOC was developed jointly by ASTRON, HLRS, IUCC and SURFsara based on an MPI course given by HLRS. During the course, there are exercises with code snippets to get you familiar with the one-sided communication concept, and there are quizzes you can answer in order to recap the learning material and to check whether you’ve understood the topics.