Skip to 0 minutes and 8 seconds Just because you live in the city, that doesn’t mean that starting a farm is out of the question. Smart food urban farming brings nutritious food production into busy, populated areas, and it’s more popular than ever. It is all about producing healthy food within the city. It has its challenges, but it also offers many benefits like increased food security, decreased waste, community involvement and more. Hi My name is Purabi Mazumdar. I am a senior lecturer at CEBAR (Centre for Research in Biotechnology for Agriculture), Universiti Malaya. I am passionate about urban farming, such as indoor farming, aquaponics and aeroponic. This course will help you to understand the basic concept of smart food urban farming.
Skip to 1 minute and 11 seconds You will learn about the importance of these types of farming and their role in addressing city resilience and human nutrition. You will get an idea on different types of soilless farming and understand their advantage and limitation. Lighting is very crucial for plant survival, in this course you will explore how lighting influence plants’ growth and yield. Hopefully after this course, you will understand how this topic makes a difference to our agricultural system and thus prepare you for your future career. If you are interested to know more about the smart food urban farming, please join the course today.