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Agriculture: Smart Food Urban Farming

Explore smart food urban farming and how to grow nutritious food in urban areas for a more sustainable future.

1,158 enrolled on this course

Agriculture: Smart Food Urban Farming

1,158 enrolled on this course

  • 2 weeks

  • 3 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Intermediate level

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  • Duration

    2 weeks
  • Weekly study

    3 hours
  • 100% online

    How it works
  • Unlimited subscription

    $244.99 for a whole yearLearn more

Learn how smart food urban farming is beneficial to urban communities

Smart food urban farming is the practice of growing nutritious food in urban areas through the use of revolutionary farming technology.

On this two-week course from Universiti Malaya, you’ll dive into the concept of smart food urban farming by comparing the practice against traditional farming. You’ll also explore how these new technological farms can strengthen overall farm resilience.

Discover how smart food urban farms are transforming agriculture

Smart food urban farms can be hugely transformative for urban citizens, helping them reconnect with nature, reclaim public spaces, recover from disasters, and gain income. They can also be used to protect biodiversity by reducing the use of land resources.

You’ll explore the different types of smart urban farms and how other modern systems can transform agriculture in urban areas. You’ll also learn about types of soilless growth media that can accelerate food production in urban areas.

Expand your smart urban farming knowledge with the experts from Universiti Malaya

With the guidance of expert educators throughout this course, you’ll be equipped with a strong focus on the development of sustainable smart food urban farming and its significance.

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Skip to 0 minutes and 8 seconds Just because you live in the city, that doesn’t mean that starting a farm is out of the question. Smart food urban farming brings nutritious food production into busy, populated areas, and it’s more popular than ever. It is all about producing healthy food within the city. It has its challenges, but it also offers many benefits like increased food security, decreased waste, community involvement and more. Hi My name is Purabi Mazumdar. I am a senior lecturer at CEBAR (Centre for Research in Biotechnology for Agriculture), Universiti Malaya. I am passionate about urban farming, such as indoor farming, aquaponics and aeroponic. This course will help you to understand the basic concept of smart food urban farming.

Skip to 1 minute and 11 seconds You will learn about the importance of these types of farming and their role in addressing city resilience and human nutrition. You will get an idea on different types of soilless farming and understand their advantage and limitation. Lighting is very crucial for plant survival, in this course you will explore how lighting influence plants’ growth and yield. Hopefully after this course, you will understand how this topic makes a difference to our agricultural system and thus prepare you for your future career. If you are interested to know more about the smart food urban farming, please join the course today.


  • Week 1

    Introduction to smart food urban farming

    • Getting started

      Explore the different smart food urban farm systems and explore their role in ensuring food security

    • What is smart food urban farming?

      Do you know what is smart food urban farming? Here, you will know why smart food farming in urban areas is important and how it can address global food security.

    • What is smart food?

      Learn about smart food and their role in addressing some major global issues.

    • Smart food farming vs traditional farming

      Learn about the benefits of smart food urban farming vs traditional farming

    • Urban farms and city resilience

      Here we discussed how smart food urban farms can strengthen farm resiliency and provide hope in a time of sudden stress.

    • How economic, environmental and social resilience can be improved?

      Here, we discussed three important aspects of farm resilience: economic, environmental and social resilience.

    • Weekly wrap up

      Congratulations, you’ve completed the first week of smart food urban farming.

  • Week 2

    Types and structure of farm

    • What are the different types of smart food urban farm?

      Here, you will learn about different types of smart food urban farms and how they are transforming agriculture

    • Structure of smart food urban farm

      Architecture and design play an important role in the establishment of a farm. Here, you will learn about the architecture and design of smart food urban farms and their importance.

    • Growth media of smart food urban farm

      Here, you will learn about different types of growth media used in smart food urban farms and their pros and cons.

    • Soilless growth media

      Soilless growth media offer unique advantages. Here, you will learn about different types of soilless media and their use in smart food urban farms.

    • Lighting systems in smart food urban farm

      Artificial light sources are the most crucial component for successful indoor farming. Here, you will learn about different types of lighting system and their pros and cons

    • Weekly wrap up

      Congratulations! You’ve successfully completed ‘Smart food urban farm course.

When would you like to start?

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  • Available now

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On every step of the course you can meet other learners, share your ideas and join in with active discussions in the comments.

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Improve knowledge of the concepts of smart food urban farming.
  • Describe advantages of smart food urban farming over traditional farming techniques.
  • Explore types of growing systems in smart food urban farms.
  • Explore different types of growing media and lighting systems utilise in smart food urban farms.

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for anyone studying agricultural science, especially those in bachelor’s and master’s degrees. It will also be useful for agronomists, biologists, and anyone working in smart farm research.

Who will you learn with?

Hi My name is Purabi Mazumdar. I am a senior lecturer at CEBAR (Centre for Research in
Biotechnology for Agriculture), Universiti Malaya.

Hi, I'm Boon Chin, a senior lecturer at the Centre for Research in Biotechnology for Agriculture (CEBAR) at the Universiti Malaya (UM).

Who developed the course?

Universiti Malaya

Universiti Malaya is the premier research university in Malaysia, committed to advancing knowledge and learning through quality research and education for the nation and for humanity.

  • Established

  • Location

    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • World ranking

    Top 60Source: QS World University Rankings 2021

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Sale price available until 31 October 2024 at 23:59 (UTC). T&Cs apply.

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