Skip to 0 minutes and 14 seconds Welcome to the Antimicrobial Databases and Genotype Prediction Data Sharing and Analysis course. In this course, you’ll learn from a team of experts in the fields of bacterial genomics and data analysis about the different databases and approaches used for predicting anti referable resistance from genetic information. We will start with the fundamentals of a MR, how we link genotype and phenotype data together and discuss the scenarios where this is easy and where this is complex. Next, we will deep dive into the various online databases, which house a MR data and discuss how to use them. You will learn how to interpret and compare their outputs, as well as explore the pros and cons of each database and associated tools.
Skip to 0 minutes and 56 seconds But finally, we’ll come full circle and teach you how to contribute your own data to these databases using open research principles, and use your A MR predictions for future studies such as epidemiology and correlations, Using interactive exercises, peer and educator discussions, and various other tools. We will ensure that you come away from this course with an understanding of how you can better explore a MR patterns and insights from your own pathogen data sets.