Skip to 0 minutes and 2 seconds The Great Calculus is brought to you by our incredible team of math experts from world renowned schools like Caltech and Oxford University. Working alongside Hollywood filmmakers and storytellers, we created this course that makes calculus fun, engaging, and easy for most to understand and master. Calculus is everywhere. Life saving medicine, machine learning, smartphones, computer games, the acceleration of cars, the change of weather, everything is based on the concept of calculus.
Skip to 0 minutes and 43 seconds Our course uses interesting real world examples that you will be able to relate to. Engaging animated videos take you deep into the world of calculus, guiding you step by step through concepts and equations. Downloadable PDFs of definitions, questions and answers give you the chance to test and practice your new knowledge.
Skip to 1 minute and 11 seconds Newton’s Apple and old ways of teaching just don’t stack up against the technology we use every day. So we have reinvented the way students learn calculus. If you are a student looking to pursue a STEM degree or you just want to brush up on advanced calculus skills, then this is the course for you. In our dynamic, animated, easy to understand modules of
Skip to 1 minute and 38 seconds The Great Calculus: Limits, Integrals and Derivatives, you’ll find the tools you need to become a calculus grade.