Skip to 0 minutes and 24 seconds Today, more than ever, it’s imperative– –that you know how to market your skills.
Skip to 0 minutes and 31 seconds And your job should be more than just a paycheque. Everyone deserves a job that allows them to grow and develop– –where they feel satisfied and fulfilled.
Skip to 0 minutes and 43 seconds Interviews today are not just Q&A sessions. They’re sales pitches where you need to market your specific– –qualifications for that specific position.
Skip to 0 minutes and 53 seconds This course is for anyone who wants to feel more confident– –as they navigate the job application process. It will give you the tools necessary to gain meaningful employment. We will start off by evaluating your strengths and weaknesses– –recognising your unique skill set– –and then we’ll start setting goals for your future. We’re going to look at the CV. We’re going to look at the cover letter. And we’re going to discuss– –how to tailor these documents for the jobs you want. You will get tips on how to prepare for a job interview– –so that you can perform at your optimal level. You’re going to learn how to negotiate a salary that you genuinely deserve.
Skip to 1 minute and 34 seconds I’m going to help you change your mindset about the application process– –so that you can start to think like a recruiter. As a project manager and career coach at Luleå University of Technology– I’m passionate about helping people land their dream jobs. Over the years, I’ve helped thousands of young professionals– –articulate their skills and communicate their value to recruiters. Join me– –Heather Jacksic, for a course that’s critical to your future. I can’t wait to get started.