Skip to 0 minutes and 10 seconds Hi, my name is Monica Fedeli and I’m Professor of Teaching and Learning at University of Padua. I’m here in front of Galileo Galilei podium, where he was teaching astronomy and physics. From the high of this podium Galileo was teaching and lecturing like a sage on the stage, pontificating. Now, this tradition that helped made our University one of the best in the world is changing, like most of the think that belong to the past. This means putting podiums aside, teaching in an interactive way, looking learners in their eyes and supporting them during the group work, sharing with them different perspectives and working together, encouraging them to critically reflect on the topic of the day.
Skip to 1 minute and 7 seconds This approach is called active learning, and this is the key for promoting better learning experience for learners and institutions. Active learning is the process of engaging learners and the lesson they are talking, moving, doing, and creating together to have powerful learning. We practice what we teach in this program by modeling active learning for you as the learners, so you can learn how to teach this way.
Skip to 1 minute and 45 seconds We want you to understand Active Learning through experiencing it directly. It means learning about Four Foundations of
Skip to 1 minute and 52 seconds active learning: the power of active lecture and the use of small groups in the class, the role of technology in facilitating participation among students, The significance of ongoing feedback and assessment with students, and probably most significantly, is the power a positive student-teacher relationships in facilitating learning.
Skip to 2 minutes and 26 seconds So, transform you’re teaching, you will transform your learners. Be the guide on the side, and not the sage on the stage. Come join us in this course, we together can experience active learning.