Skip to 0 minutes and 6 seconds SPEAKER 1: We are facing serious environmental challenges and the increasing impacts of a changing climate.
Skip to 0 minutes and 14 seconds You can be part of the solution by joining the GROW Observatory, in which thousands of people are collaborating to observe and care for the environment. Amongst the problems we’re exploring are soil degradation and the impact of a changing climate, both affected by unsustainable food growing methods. Through GROW, you will connect with a community of growers small scale farmers, scientists, and policymakers who are all working together to help address these challenges and learn from each other. Our shared vision as to support and build sustainable custodianship of the land and soil across Europe. You can be one of our citizen scientists, helping inform international policy decisions on land use, soil management, and climate change.
Skip to 0 minutes and 58 seconds As well as supporting growers in different countries to share, discover, and test sustainable soil stewardship and growing practises. Join the data to action course to find out how to investigate, enjoy, and act on open data from the GROW Observatory, generated by people passionate about soil, science, and food growing. Discover how to collect and handle data on your local environment and growing plot, and how to use those data to inform your growing practise, and to interpret data to take action under a changing climate. During the course, you will be given access to exemplar data sets generated by Grow citizen scientists, and you will find out about the results of a GROW polyculture experiment.
Skip to 1 minute and 41 seconds These data and observations can help to inform your own food growing and improve yields, and will give you insights about how to make a positive impact on the environment around you. How can growers and scientists collaborate to discover better ways to grow and care for the land, and contribute to understanding the global climates? How can we move from data to discoveries, and from discoveries to positive action on soils, food, and a changing climate?
Skip to 2 minutes and 7 seconds Sign up for the Citizen Science: From Data to Action online course and join a community of soil champions.