Skip to 0 minutes and 0 seconds My name is Dr. Suzanne Ross, and I’ll be supporting you through your course. This course is designed for women aspiring to be or already in leadership roles in business or society. It’s also for you if you’re a female entrepreneur wanting to develop your leadership capability, or if you have a vision and you want to develop your leadership ability and confidence to bring your vision to life. Progress has been slow with regard to the number of women at the highest levels of leadership. Research shows women’s start ups receive just a small fraction of venture capital funding.
Skip to 0 minutes and 37 seconds That women remain underrepresented in leadership roles across business and society has implications for the economy, politics, sport, the environment, health, social change and the advancement of scientific fields. We’re also experiencing around the world decisions that are having a significant impact on the freedoms and choices for women. Despite this, we’re increasingly seeing women step up to lead in business and society and lead in a purposeful way, in a way that reflects a commitment not only to profit, but to people and the planet, creating organisations that are purpose driven and aligned to values. This course highlights the contribution women make to leadership in business and society.
Skip to 1 minute and 29 seconds It supports women, whatever stage they’re at in their leadership journey and building their confidence, finding their voice and developing their support network to raise that influence and contribution. The course runs across three weeks, in week one, we reflect on the importance of female leaders in business and society. You will explore the importance to your leadership of the triple bottom line of profit people and planet. In this context, we’ll explore what successful female leaders are doing that helps them to be successful. In week 2, you start to define what success means for you. Self-awareness is so important in leadership.
Skip to 2 minutes and 9 seconds You develop your self-awareness by reflecting on your strengths and developmental areas as a leader, incorporating an understanding of their skills, knowledge and capabilities leaders need for the future. All in the context of your definition of what success means to you. You’ll develop a good understanding of how to play to your strengths as a leader and share these with others on the course, celebrating what you’re good at and enabling you to lead authentically. In Week three, you’ll consider how to expand your support network. A good quality support network provides us with knowledge, access, opportunity, inspiration, relationships, all of which increases our resilience, confidence and capability. You’ll also reflect on ways to increase your influence as you take your vision forward.
Skip to 3 minutes and 6 seconds During the course, there’ll be the opportunity to interact and learn with other talented women. So do please introduce yourself in the comments below and enjoy the course.