Skip to 0 minutes and 5 seconds Scott McLaughlin: Many real-life problems are too complex and interlocked to be solved by a single discipline. In a world where interdisciplinary research is of growing importance, dividing knowledge by disciplines creates barriers. Interdisciplinary degrees prepare students for jobs in the ever-evolving industry landscape. Interdisciplinarity also benefits students, since research councils expect new research to offer a broader view and sharper insights that come from the intersection between disciplines that allows new forms of knowledge to emerge. This online course looks at different subjects to understand how disciplines create unique methodologies and develop their own terminologies. The course also looks at real-life examples that explore how different disciplines can work together.
Skip to 0 minutes and 55 seconds You will learn practical strategies and techniques that will prepare you for your own interdisciplinary degree or research. I’m Dr. Scott McLaughlin, and I’m passionate about interdisciplinarity, and different ways that disciplinary boundaries affect collaborative research. Join this course today and discover practical ways that will help you with your interdisciplinary work or studies.