Skip to 0 minutes and 3 seconds (electronic music)
Skip to 0 minutes and 9 seconds <v ->We are living in a world where planetary</v> and social boundaries have been compromised, and the human impact on all parts of the Earth’s ecosystem are becoming more pronounced. What can be done to eliminate harm and do good to work towards a resilient and thriving future? Of critical importance is understanding and having an awareness of the urgency of which change is required. This short course in Leading Sustainable Organizations and Communities is designed to provide you with a baseline awareness, an understanding of contemporary, sustainable thinking, frameworks, and leadership approaches. It is critical to look forward to the future of leadership and explore the skills that will be required to lead sustainability.
Skip to 0 minutes and 50 seconds As part of it is important to think about what can we learn from the past, and indigenous approaches to leadership, and leading sustainability. (electronic music fades)