Skip to 0 minutes and 11 seconds So the focus of this course is really about the practical application of some tools, techniques, process, organisation, and culture to be able to improve the way you drive and manage innovation in your own business or organisation. Well, I think anybody would be interested in this course. Anybody- an entrepreneur, somebody who’s looking to develop a new innovation, but also big corporations, because big corporations need to know how to protect their innovations as much as small companies. Innovation normally happens through stumbling on some opportunity by pure chance. But what is the process of actually doing innovation inside your organisation? And that’s where the focus actually needs to be.
Skip to 0 minutes and 50 seconds The main takeaways from this course are to understand and manage innovation strategically, to learn from examples of how IBM manage innovation processes, and get familiar with a tool that will help to analyse your current innovation capabilities and identify any gaps. IBM is a disrupter. So we’re doing new things like cognitive computing and IBM Watson, which is creating totally new ways of doing things. Been very disruptive across quite a lot of industries, actually. A lot of people talk about innovation and leave out the idea of creativity. And creativity is central to innovation. It’s also co-creative, and it requires interaction with others, particularly with others with different mindsets and different ways of doing things.
Skip to 1 minute and 33 seconds I would expect that learners will move away from seeing innovation as a chance outcome. And they move more towards how innovation becomes systematised in their organisation and how they can do this. Once a learner has completed this course, I would expect them to be able to very clearly identify what an innovation is within the company, and also to identify what the risks may be to that innovation, so that they may manage it and protect it. There are lots of things you can do to, very practically and very quickly, improve the way innovation is driven in your own organisation. So they can take things away from the course and very quickly make a difference where they work.