Skip to 0 minutes and 11 seconds Democracy has to be born anew every generation and education is the midwife. John Dewey, American Philosopher
Skip to 0 minutes and 25 seconds What kind of society do we want our children to live in? For many of us, democracy mirrors some of the ideals of a society and we are all in an equal position to have a say. But in recent times we have seen how democracy is in crisis. There are growing inequalities, a rise of xenophobic and racist attitudes. Increasing distribution of fake news and hate speech on social media, and high levels of frustration and alienation, particularly among marginalised groups and young people. It doesn’t matter what age or subject you teach. This course is addressed to teachers and student teachers, why interested in promoting democracy.
Skip to 1 minute and 10 seconds The course considers how we all as teachers can respond to the challenges and promote democracy through our practises. Indeed, we are convinced that when we educate we do much more than teach knowledge and skills. As teachers, we have a unique opportunity and responsibility to facilitate that new generations embrace democratic ways of life. The question for many of us is, how do we go about this? This course has been designed by educational experts at Manchester Metropolitan University with the support of more than 50 teachers, student teachers and international academics from 10 different countries. We have designed the course as a democratic space of collaboration and co-learning. You will learn from us and from others.
Skip to 2 minutes and 0 seconds But we also hope to learn much from you. Join us in the journey. We need you. We can only promote democracy if we do it all together.