Skip to 0 minutes and 5 seconds The discovery of human remains is the opening chapter of a detailed investigation, an investigation involving recovery, analysis, and research. Who were these people? What story is told by their skeletal remains? What clues are buried with them? Join us in an investigation of these stories. How do we analyse the evidence, investigate the context, and engage with different cultures to uncover these stories? Welcome to Griffith University, home to ARCHE, the Australian Research Centre for Human Evolution. Our research team at Griffith conducts world-class studies in biological archaeology.
Skip to 0 minutes and 55 seconds ARCHE and the School of Environment and Science are giving you the opportunity to be part of a two-week investigation to answer this question.
Skip to 1 minute and 6 seconds Meet the lead educators conducting our investigation. Hello, my name’s Michael Westaway. I’m Carney Matheson. My name’s Shaun Adams. See the processes that we use to analyse the evidence. Explore three sites where human remains were discovered. And join us in a discussion of the stories that we uncover.