Skip to 0 minutes and 15 seconds Social enterprise is an inspiring and dynamic way of doing business.
Skip to 0 minutes and 21 seconds There are so many great ideas and so many great social enterprises already existing, and I think that as a starting point, social entrepreneurs do need to engage with that.
Skip to 0 minutes and 38 seconds When we started in 2013 through that portal, it was just an idea to collect more people so that we can share about the issue and what kind of problems where against acid attacks.
Skip to 0 minutes and 55 seconds You need to be yourself, and you need to be authentic and passionate about what you want to do and who you are.
Skip to 1 minute and 11 seconds If they didn’t love the mission they wouldn’t be here. They love what we do and they love the kind of organization we are and they find it very fullfilling to work here and know that their skills are going towards helping people. We have a family!
Skip to 1 minute and 33 seconds The simpler your pitch, the better.