Skip to 0 minutes and 0 seconds Equality, diversity and inclusion is an ethos that encompasses respect, understanding, kindness, and acceptance. And taking the time to learn about EDI can be transformative for all of us.
Skip to 0 minutes and 16 seconds I’m Professor Belinda Colston and I’m the director of the Eleanor Glanville Institute at the University of Lincoln. In our society, everyone has the right to be treated fairly with dignity and respect. These are our human rights. This course will help you to understand why inclusion matters in today’s society and encourage you to think critically about culture, disability, homophobia, racism and sexism. The course will explore equality, diversity and inclusion. That’s EDI from a range of different perspectives. Learners will explore key concepts, develop and deepen their knowledge, and build their understanding of EDI so that they can improve their own knowledge and practice in their professional life.
Skip to 1 minute and 4 seconds If you’re looking to develop your knowledge and awareness of EDI, or if you’re looking to develop EDI awareness within your organization, then this course is for you. There’s no prior knowledge required before joining the course. Just an eagerness to learn and an open mind. Everyone can benefit from developing their awareness of diversity, and we’re excited to invite you along on this learning journey.