Certificate of Achievement

Moise Bitangaza

has completed the following course:

Transforming Urban Mobility: Components of Transport Planning for Sustainable Cities

UCL (University College London) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

This online course identified how urban spaces can become more sustainable, examining the role of new transport systems in the cities of the future.

5 weeks, 3 hours per week

Professor Rob Hickman

Bartlett School of Planning, UCL

UCL (University College London)

Daniel Ernesto Moser

Head of the Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI)

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)


Learning outcomes

  • Explore the instruments of traffic demand management
  • Explore different types of public transport, including metro, tramway, bus rapid transit, cable car and other means of travel
  • Debate the role of active mobility and streetscape design
  • Summarise the potential of vehicle technologies to improve environmental performance
  • Assess effective decision-making and participatory processes for developing innovative transport strategies


  • Travel demand management
  • Public transport
  • Walking, public spaces, and cycling
  • Low-emission vehicles
  • Decision-making processes and participation

Issued on 8th February 2021

The person named on this certificate has completed the activities in the transcript above. For more information about Certificates of Achievement and the effort required to become eligible, visit futurelearn.com/proof-of-learning/certificate-of-achievement.

This certificate represents proof of learning. It is not a formal qualification, degree, or part of a degree.

Free online course:

Transforming Urban Mobility: Components of Transport Planning for Sustainable Cities

UCL (University College London)