Certificate of Achievement

Prudence Marshall Coutts

has completed the following course:

The Life and Afterlife of Mary Queen of Scots

The University of Glasgow

This course explored Mary Queen of Scots’ life and her afterlife, delving into many of the tensions that defined 16th century Scotland and England. The course also examined the complex forces that led to Mary's rise and fall from power, and her imprisonment at the hands of a fellow monarch, before looking at how Mary Queen of Scots’ life has been memorialised in popular culture, investigating why she is so deeply entrenched into our cultural history.

3 weeks, 4 hours per week

Steven Reid

Senior Lecturer in Scottish History

The University of Glasgow


Learning outcomes

  • Apply a deep and broad knowledge of the personality of Mary Queen of Scots, of the major events and issues connected to her life and reign
  • Assess the major developments in political, cultural and religious life in Scotland between c. 1542 and c. 1587, using sources in a variety of media to do so
  • Compare the myriad ways in which Mary has been memorialised in popular culture from her own time to the present day
  • Evaluate multiple interpretations of complex historical debates relating to Mary, her reign, and her cultural afterlife


  • Introducing Mary and her early life in France
  • 1547-1561 Mary in Scotland
  • 1561-1567 Mary, Darnley, and Bothwell
  • 1565-1567 Mary’s Later Life
  • 1567-1587 ‘In my End is my Beginning’ – Mary’s Cultural Afterlife

Issued on 11th May 2022

The person named on this certificate has completed the activities in the transcript above. For more information about Certificates of Achievement and the effort required to become eligible, visit futurelearn.com/proof-of-learning/certificate-of-achievement.

This certificate represents proof of learning. It is not a formal qualification, degree, or part of a degree.

Free online course:

The Life and Afterlife of Mary Queen of Scots

The University of Glasgow