Certificate of Achievement
has completed the following course:
The Online Educator: People and Pedagogy
This online course explored ways in which online educators can enhance their teaching and navigate the hype around disruptive innovation. The course covered four themes: using learning design and personas to meet diverse learners’ needs; inclusive innovation and the use of accessibility guidelines; evaluating research around educational innovation and conducting ethical research into online learning; and the value of building an online academic identity as an educator.
4 weeks, 4 hours per week
Dave Hall
University Secretary
The Open University
Learning outcomes
- Develop personas to inform the online learning design process
- Identify the ethics considerations involved in researching online teaching
- Apply accessibility guidelines to online teaching contexts
- Identify key accessibility issues related to online learning
- Reflect on your exisiting digital identity and plan for its future development
- Explore ways of shaping a digital identity as an online educator
- Discuss the relationship between technology, content, people and pedagogy in online courses.
Week 1 - Disruption and design
- Current developments in online teaching
- Navigating the hype about disruptive innovation
- The relationship between content, technology, people and pedagogy in learning design
- The challenges of meeting diverse students’ needs
- The use of personas in creating relevant online courses
Week 2 - Innovation and accessibility
- Myths about accessibility and digital innovation
- Types of digital exclusion
- Finding and evaluating accessibility guidelines
- Applying accessibility guidelines to your teaching
Week 3 - Ethical evaluation of online teaching
- Myths about researching and evaluating online teaching
- Evidence and ethics
- Navigating the hype around educational technology innovation
- Evaluating research reports
- Evaluating your own teaching innovations
- Ethical considerations when researching online teaching
Week 4 - Who am I online?
- Myths about online identity
- The value to educators of a carefully constructed online identity
- Evaluating your own online identity
- Using Twitter to build an identity online
Issued on 10th March 2020
The person named on this certificate has completed the activities in the transcript above. For more information about Certificates of Achievement and the effort required to become eligible, visit futurelearn.com/proof-of-learning/certificate-of-achievement.
This certificate represents proof of learning. It is not a formal qualification, degree, or part of a degree.