Certificate of Achievement

Francesca Tronetti

has completed the following course:

History of Slavery in the British Caribbean

The University of Glasgow and The University of the West Indies

This online course explored the history of British slavery in the Caribbean and its visible legacies. Starting with the enslavement of Africans in West Africa, the course followed their journeys and experiences across the Atlantic and through the plantations of British-controlled Caribbean. Using the testimony of enslaved people and objects related to slavery and the slave trade, the course showed how people resisted slavery in their everyday lives and through armed resistance.

4 weeks, 4 hours per week

Dr Peggy Brunache

Lecturer in the History of Atlantic Slavery

The University of Glasgow

Dr Christine Whyte

Lecturer in Global History

The University of the West Indies


Learning outcomes

  • Learners will be able to explain how slavery was organised in the British Caribbean.
  • They will be able to describe the lifestyles of enslaved people.
  • They will be able to interpret different types of historical evidence of slavery: written, visual and material.
  • They will be able to debate the relative importance of different factors in bringing slavery to a legal end.
  • Learners will be equipped to investigate slavery’s legacies in their local area.


  • Trafficking in enslaved people in the transatlantic trade.
  • The culture and lifestyle of enslaved people.
  • How enslaved people resisted enslavement.
  • What methods were used to control and oppress enslaved people in the Caribbean.
  • What happened in the Caribbean when slavery was outlawed.
  • How to explore the contemporary legacies of slavery in the modern world.

Issued on 29th January 2021

The person named on this certificate has completed the activities in the transcript above. For more information about Certificates of Achievement and the effort required to become eligible, visit futurelearn.com/proof-of-learning/certificate-of-achievement.

This certificate represents proof of learning. It is not a formal qualification, degree, or part of a degree.

Free online course:

History of Slavery in the British Caribbean

The University of Glasgow