Certificate of Achievement

Graham Stephens

has completed the following course:

Explore Filmmaking: from Script to Screen

National Film and Television School

This course explored film making including different approaches to storytelling and filmmaking craft specialisms, including writing, cinematography, editing and composing. Participants were required to undertake a number of small scale production exercises to demonstrate their understanding.

6 weeks, 3 hours per week

Dr Jon Wardle

Director of Curriculum and Registrar

National Film and Television School


Learning outcomes

  • Discuss the differences between story and theme in a film
  • Explain the different roles involved in a film shoot
  • Explore the contribution of the camera to storytelling
  • Reflect upon the role of editing in telling a story on film
  • Identify the contribution of sound and music to a film's meaning


Week 1- Introduction: how does a film get from script to screen?
Week 2- Storytelling: what’s the difference between plot and theme?
Week 3- Decisions: how to choose budget, schedule, location and kit
Week 4- The scene: how does a director make choices on set?
Week 5- Time and space: how does editing affect meaning?
Week 6- Sound and music: what is the impact of a film’s soundtrack?

In association with

Issued on 30th March 2018

The person named on this certificate has completed the activities in the transcript above. For more information about Certificates of Achievement and the effort required to become eligible, visit futurelearn.com/proof-of-learning/certificate-of-achievement.

This certificate represents proof of learning. It is not a formal qualification, degree, or part of a degree.

Free online course:

Explore Filmmaking: from Script to Screen

National Film and Television School