Certificate of Achievement

Cliona Ryan

has completed the following course:

Dementia and the Arts: Sharing Practice, Developing Understanding and Enhancing Lives

UCL (University College London) and Created Out of Mind

This online course invited its learners to explore, challenge, and shape their perceptions of dementia through science and the creative arts.

This course is accredited by the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) and is recognised by its CPD recognition scheme. 8 CPD credits awarded.

4 weeks, 2 hours per week

Sebastian Crutch

Professor of Neuropsychology

UCL (University College London)

overall score


Learning outcomes

  • Explore the emerging landscape for dementias and the arts in which artistic and cultural interventions are now being acknowledged
  • Reflect upon a variety of arts-based communication strategies that can be employed to engage with people living with dementias
  • Develop a qualitative appreciation of the value of ‘in the moment’ experiences
  • Reflect upon the worth of scientific research in bridging clinical sciences and arts-based practices to further our ability to care for people living with dementias
  • Describe the value of creating common ground, and the associated importance of shared experiences, co-creativity and equality
  • Investigate the role of language and communication on the perception of dementias
  • Apply knowledge to model a broader understanding of the lived experiences of people living with dementias


  • Seeing the dementias differently through the arts and seeing the arts differently through the dementias
  • How can moments be understood, experienced and measured?
  • Creating Common Ground: The arts, equality and dementia
  • Language & Communication: How can we change the conversation?


This course is accredited by the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) and is recognised by its CPD recognition scheme. 8 CPD credits awarded.

Accredited by

Issued on 23rd September 2019

The person named on this certificate has completed the activities in the transcript above. For more information about Certificates of Achievement and the effort required to become eligible, visit futurelearn.com/proof-of-learning/certificate-of-achievement.

This certificate represents proof of learning. It is not a formal qualification, degree, or part of a degree.

Free online course:

Dementia and the Arts: Sharing Practice, Developing Understanding and Enhancing Lives

UCL (University College London)