Certificate of Achievement

Kevin Field

has completed the following course:

Make Change Happen

The Open University and Oxfam

Understanding power dynamics, systems and how change happens is incredibly valuable to making effective and lasting social change. Students will learn how to understand the context of their situation, recognise hidden and invisible power and the sources of power that they have to make change happen

8 weeks, 3 hours per week

Dave Hall

University Secretary

The Open University


Learning outcomes

  • Explain key ideas about systems, power and how change happens
  • Explore where the potential for change lies
  • Identify key openings and opportunities to bring about change
  • Apply and understand a broad range of ways to bring about change
  • Contribute, connect and collaborate with other change makers around the globe
  • Develop and increase confidence to organise and lead others to take action for social justice
  • Engage in a personal change action


Week 1 - What kind of change are we talking about, understanding change, changemakers and their stories, and different forms of change.

Week 2 - Understanding the context of change, looking at what context is, and the change you would like to see.

Week 3 - Taking a power and systems approach, defining power, the tools for analysing power, and understanding systems.

Week 4 - The power of collective action, working in partnership with others, and what drives a changemaker.

Week 5 - Spheres of influence, understanding influence, and where the power lies.

Week 6 - Developing strong stories for change, influencing strategies, and developing messages.

Week 7 - Taking action to make change happen, strategy and tactics, developing your action plan, and the steps to implement your plan.

Week 8 - Tackling challenges and taking your next steps, reflecting on change, overcoming challenges, and staying inspired and focused.

Issued on 16th December 2019

The person named on this certificate has completed the activities in the transcript above. For more information about Certificates of Achievement and the effort required to become eligible, visit futurelearn.com/proof-of-learning/certificate-of-achievement.

This certificate represents proof of learning. It is not a formal qualification, degree, or part of a degree.

Free online course:

Make Change Happen

The Open University