Skip to 0 minutes and 14 seconds Have you just heard about the story? Your friend wants to see a dentist because of toothache. However, he is so worried and anxious about the treatment and just cannot sleep well before the visit. Have you felt the same feeling of fear and anxiety toward medical care? Have you felt frustrated when the treatment outcome does not meet your expectation? If you were a healthcare worker, how would you comfort a nervous and scared patient? How would you help a patient who is not so friendly and just argues everything with you? I am Dr. Chia-Shu Lin from National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University in Taiwan, I’m a dentist and neuroscientist with many years of research and teaching in clinical and brain science.
Skip to 1 minute and 6 seconds In this course, I will explore these questions together with you from the psychology and neuroscience of emotion Welcome to Affective Neuroscience, for healthcare practitioners and everyone.