Skip to 0 minutes and 5 seconds “Healthy aging” is a very important concept for creating a society in which long life can truly be enjoyed. Japan has more rapidly become a super-aged society than any other country in the world. Approximately 28% of the present population is 65 or over, and it is expected that in 2030 one out of every three people will be elderly. Hello, I’m Tomoko Koike, the lead educator of this course. What can we do to make such an aging society attractive and energetic instead of a burden?
Skip to 0 minutes and 55 seconds There are three important components of a healthy-aging society: services, communities, and policies. In this course, I along with three other colleagues, will present examples of grappling with this issue from various perspectives in Japan, and, together with all of you, examine various ways to approach an aging society. It’s important to remember that the issues to be considered here are not only limited to Japan and other developed countries, but will face all countries and regions of the world in the near future. By taking part in this course, we hope you can pick up some new ideas on how to make a successful aging society in your own region or country.
Skip to 1 minute and 59 seconds What kind of society would you like to live in as an elderly person?