Skip to 0 minutes and 8 seconds Dallas Campbell: Hello, and welcome to this course on Artificial Intelligence for Earth Monitoring. I’m Dallas Campbell, and I’m going to take you through this course as you discover how cutting edge artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies are helping to advance Earth observation science and the benefits that this has for citizens. The course will provide you with an overview of the different types of AI and ML and the fundamental techniques of working with AI algorithms for analysing satellite based Earth observations, and in situ data. You’ll also be able to work with hands on tutorials using Jupyter notebooks. So you can see for yourself how AI works. We’re going to cover four thematic areas so oceans, atmosphere, land, and climate.
Skip to 0 minutes and 58 seconds And in each of these topics, you’ll be learning from experts who use AI to discover more about Earth and to solve some of the fundamental problems that we face as a society. This is a Copernicus course developed by EUMETSAT in partnership with ECMWF. Mercator Ocean International, and the European Environment Agency. We look forward to seeing you on the course.