Skip to 0 minutes and 7 seconds Hi everyone and welcome to our Big Data Analytics collection of courses. My name is Kerrie Mengersen. You might be thinking, what is the relationship between mathematics and Big Data?
Skip to 0 minutes and 21 seconds Well, let me paint a picture for you: imagine you’re a marketing analyst for a big company about to launch a brand new product. Your job is to use people’s social media usage to determine the target market for your product and sell it. These days the increase is social media is explosive - every day there are 4.5 billion likes on Facebook, over 500 million tweets on Twitter and more than 75 million people using Instagram. With this much data, your job in making any sense of this information becomes extremely difficult. Enter mathematics! With the right mathematical techniques and tools, your job quickly becomes much easier.
Skip to 1 minute and 8 seconds We can use mathematics to not only effectively store and manage data, but to efficiently analyse it and extract information that is not immediately obvious. In this course we present a numerical linear algebra framework for data analytics. This includes a wide range of mathematical methods for big data analytics such as the singular value decomposition, tensor products, matricization, graph Laplacian and clustering. We show you how to apply these techniques to store, manage and analyse Big Data. Here at ACEMS we use a multi-lensed approach to Big Data analytics and this is reflected in the case studies we’ll share with you. Mathematics is everywhere, and can help you solve lots of different problems.
Skip to 2 minutes and 2 seconds We’re very excited about this course, and we hope you are too.