Skip to 0 minutes and 10 seconds Mark generates his own energy with his set of PV panels. Today, he’s seeing his meter going backwards, as he’s generated more than what he consumes.
Skip to 0 minutes and 19 seconds And look at that: he’s got a nice offer for his energy surplus! It’s Sarah, his neighbour. She decided to buy part of Mark’s energy. Clean energy at a lower price than the one from the grid. At the same moment, Jonh is driving past their street when he notices his car is low on battery, so he decides to drop by and plug his car in Mark’s garage. With just one click on his smartphone, John is able to pay for the energy used and keep on driving!
Skip to 0 minutes and 49 seconds With these simple actions, they are becoming part of a global network of empowered users, free to administrate both their energy production and consumption in a way never seen before. Lower electricity bills, boosting renewable production, increased security… and everything under the user’s control. It’s not sci-fi. It’s b lockchain. The revolutionary technology that changed forever the financial sector, and will soon redefine the way of understanding the energy field. It’s the new energy paradigm. If you are moving towards positions in the blockchain business or simply want to discover its potential in the energy sector, this course is made for you. With this course, you’ll learn what blockchain technology really is, and why it’s disrupting all sectors and actors across the value chain.
Skip to 1 minute and 34 seconds We’ll show you how the users go from mere clients, to managers of their own goods. It’s a technology immune to borders, that guarantees transparency, security and trust. Join us and discover the technology that already changed the rules of the game.