Skip to 0 minutes and 0 seconds [Music] Childhood is an important time in an individual’s life shaping who we become as adults. Research has indicated that a third of children experience acts committed against them by either a parent or caregiver that results in potential harm. Childhood maltreatment is when a person causes physical or emotional harm to a child, such as not responding to their physical or emotional needs. It can significantly impact the child’s mental and physical well-being. Understanding the consequences of childhood maltreatment and discovering ways to support young people is important because negative experiences can significantly impact a young person’s ability to succeed in life.
Skip to 0 minutes and 51 seconds Over the past few years scientists have done a great deal of research looking at the consequences of childhood maltreatment and they are now investigating how these types of negative experiences might influence the well-being and brain development of a young person. For example research has shown that maltreatment can lead to changes in both brain structure and brain function, but is it possible that these changes reflect a beneficial adaptation which many of us might show if we were in an environment that posed a threat. Now parents, caregivers and teachers may ask what does this mean for my child or student what can we do to support young people who have experienced such adversity?
Skip to 1 minute and 44 seconds From clinical research and educational perspectives we’re taking a closer look to explore the impact of early adversity on a person’s well-being. If we can clarify the latest research findings this will help us understand how we might best support vulnerable young people [Music]