Learn effective formative assessment strategies and teaching methods in science and maths by drawing on evidence of your students’ learning.
Transform your teaching abilities and your students’ learning of science, technology, engineering, maths, and computing subjects with this online collection of courses.
This collection of free short courses provides research-informed practical approaches that will give teachers more confidence in the classroom when teaching STEM subjects. Courses can be taken individually, or in sequence to build a fuller understanding of responsive teaching.
Develop your understanding of assessment for learning (AFL)
Beginning with Introduction to Formative Assessment, you will explore the underpinning philosophy and key ideas related to assessment for learning, and cover practical ways to assess students’ understanding in the classroom.
Planning for Learning: Formative Assessment builds on this introduction is guided by experts in assessment for learning. You’ll plan to identify your learners’ thinking, clarify learning goals and fine tune your teaching to progress your students’ understanding, both in and between lessons.
Learn how to implement AFL feedback processes
As you develop how you plan and tailor feedback opportunities for the range of students you teach, you’ll discover how to develop a classroom culture that encourages formative dialogue and prepares students to receive, act upon, and learn from teacher feedback.
You will also improve the way you differentiate for learning by refining how you plan activities that are appropriately challenging – enabling all students to move forward in their learning.