Skip to 0 minutes and 8 seconds All around us, organisations are collecting and using our data in ways that were unimaginable 15 years ago. And as they collect more and more data, the smartest businesses are investing in analytics to make sense of it. Teams of data scientists are exploring huge datasets to understand their users’ behaviour and make important decisions. Your favourite video streaming services use your viewing habits to decide what new programmes to fund. Online stores use your purchase history to predict what you’re most likely to buy, and when you’re going to buy it. But you don’t have to work for a tech giant in Silicon Valley to understand how to make data work for you.
Skip to 0 minutes and 53 seconds YOU can use data to improve YOUR education program, and I’ll tell you how, in this free online course. I’m Linda McKee from the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. I’m the Senior Director of Quality Support Initiatives and I’ll be your lead educator. I work with national and international teacher training organisations to design professional learning. In this collaborative course, we’ll teach you how to use data to make wide-reaching and lasting improvements, whatever your project. One thing is clear - it’s not enough to simply gather data. You need to know what to DO with it. So join our global collective of professionals, take part in the discussions, and let’s learn together about how to use data to improve student outcomes.