Skip to 0 minutes and 11 seconds We are surrounded by data - it is ever-increasing and is transforming society. So how do we manage and make the most of it? What support do researchers need to store, organise and share their data? And how can your organisation help? These questions will be answered in this online course. We will explain how to develop data management services to improve research in your organisation. These services help researchers find, analyse, store and share data. The course is developed by the Digital Curation Centre and Research Data Netherlands. We each deliver data management services at an institutional and national level and will share our experience with you.
Skip to 0 minutes and 55 seconds The course draws in many international examples and provides a forum so you can share ideas and grow your professional network. Many groups play a role in supporting researchers with their data. Services within institutions like the library, IT and research office - national data services, ethical and legal advisors. We will give you the tools and best practice examples to discover how to develop services in your local context. Join us and learn how!