Skip to 0 minutes and 5 seconds Building and planning for healthy, sustainable places is a global challenge that cities across the world are all facing today and into the future. The way we move about our cities, the modes of transport that we use is also a key factor that’s going to influence whether we are producing healthy and sustainable places. I’m Professor Melanie Davern, and I’m from RMIT University. And with my colleague Dr. Lucy Gunn, we’re going to talk more about these very important concepts. In this course, we’re going to talk about what the concept of walkability means, why it is important to the liveable city, and the role of planning, which is really important in building both walkable and liveable places.
Skip to 0 minutes and 55 seconds You going to learn a little bit more about the location of destinations and other features of the built environment that are important for a walkable area. You’re also going to learn a little bit more about the history of city planning and how planning and measurement of walkable areas can contribute to the development of healthy and sustainable cities.
Skip to 1 minute and 14 seconds A unique offering of this course is an experiential 360 degree view of walking through the streets of Milan, where you really understand what some of the positive influences of walkability are and some of the things that can detract from walkability and how planning has a key role in improving those areas. I hope you really enjoyed this course and it gets you thinking about the livability and the walkability of your city. This is such an important concept. And I hope you really enjoy the content.