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Skip to 0 minutes and 11 seconds Electronic and electrical systems are at the heart of almost everything that we do. You could be traveling on a train and you might be listening to music or watching an on-demand video or you could be talking to friends or you could be studying on an online course. In all of these examples you, as the user, are at the centre of an electronic and electrical system. My name’s Tim Jackson from the School of Engineering at the University of Birmingham. I work in the department of Electronic Electrical and Systems Engineering. During this course you’ll find out what we mean by electronic engineering, by electrical engineering and by systems engineering.
Skip to 0 minutes and 51 seconds And you’ll do that through examples drawn from the research that we do here in the department and from the material that we teach on our first-year courses. Our three examples illustrate the diversity and importance of electronic electrical and systems engineering. We’ll begin with looking at the context behind each example because understanding context is important to designing a system that meets our needs. We’ll also look at some of the underlying principles behind the methods that we’ll use in our design and in our analysis. You will do some exercises that will help you develop your understanding as well as your confidence in communicating your ideas. We look forward to welcoming you to our course. [Music]