Skip to 0 minutes and 17 seconds I’m Sujai Kumar, and I’d like to welcome you to this course on eukaryotic genome assembly and how to use BlobToolKit for quality assessment. In this three-week course, you’ll learn about BlobToolKit– a powerful set of tools for analysing genome assemblies. You will learn how to use BlobToolKit to make sense of genome assemblies, which may contain multiple organisms. BlobToolKit is available as a webviewer so you can use it with just browser and internet connection. Once you’ve understood the basic functions of BlobToolKit, you’ll be able to try it for yourself and see if you can analyse and clean up a complex genome assembly. Most of the course will show you how to use BlobToolKit to analyse published genome assembly.
Skip to 1 minute and 1 second Towards the end, there’s an optional section on how to instal the tool in your own space so that you can also use it for your own novel assembly. We really hope you enjoy the course, and we look forward to meeting you.