Skip to 0 minutes and 7 seconds Millions of people fall each year. In the UK alone, almost 10,000 people aged over 65 will fall today. The consequences of falls are far-reaching– affecting the economy, society, family, and friends. But the personal consequences can be severe. We all know someone who has fallen. Falls can result in injury, broken bones, loss of confidence, and social isolation. By taking this course, you’ll appreciate why assessing and reducing the risk of falling is so important. You will explore ways to prevent falls and injury– recognising when it is important to seek help. Whether you’ve fallen yourself, know someone who is at risk of falling, or care for someone who has fallen, this engaging and empowering course is for you.
Skip to 0 minutes and 59 seconds It will not replace clinical fall services. But we hope will help you manage your risk of falling. OK? Yes. Good. Newcastle University is a world leader in research into ageing. Our Institute for Ageing, alongside the Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospital’s Falls and Syncope Service, forms one of Europe’s busiest and largest services for people who fall, blackout, or have dizziness. It is also host to some of the world’s leading clinical experts. We have developed the course with people who have fallen, for people who are at risk of falling, and for those who care for them. Join us as we discover together how some falls are treatable and preventable, and that falls as we age are not inevitable.