Skip to 0 minutes and 6 seconds Hi, I’m Dr. Dan Bebber from the Department of Biosciences, University of Exeter. And I am Natalia Lawrence, Associate Professor in psychology. And we’re the academic leads for this future food MOOC. Currently, agriculture uses about half the world’s land surface to produce food, and that’s a huge impact on global biodiversity and ecosystem services. By the year 2050, we’re going to have to feed an extra 3 billion people, and we’ll have to do that sustainably without wrecking the planet and in a changing climate. In this four-week course, my colleagues and I will guide you through some of the huge challenges we face feeding the growing population healthily and unsustainably.
Skip to 0 minutes and 45 seconds You’ll learn not only some of the great challenges we face, but the solutions being developed to address them. We are joined by Exeter University experts in psychology, nutrition, anthropology, geography, agriculture, biology, economics, and policy. This course really takes a multidisciplinary perspective on the subject of future food. This is an exciting opportunity to find out how we can make a difference from the food choices we make as individuals to the impacts of agriculture on the environment. You’ll have the chance to analyse the issues and debate possible solutions with fellow students. Here’s a flavour of some of the big questions we’ll be asking. Should we support organic farming? Can meat be produced sustainably? Should governments subsidise farming?
Skip to 1 minute and 31 seconds And should we produce genetically modified foods? Experts agree that the food system requires a revolution to avoid disaster in the near future. But fortunately, change is happening. So come and join us to find out more and be part of the change.