Skip to 0 minutes and 22 seconds What makes us who we are in a large part the answer lies in our genes are genes make us all unique individuals. There is no such thing as a normal set of human genes, but our genes can also underlie many medical conditions. Some rare conditions like cystic fibrosis. Thalassemia and sickle cell disease are a consequence of particular jeans that are not working properly. Differences in our genes can also make us more susceptible to common conditions like dementia, cancer, heart disease, obesity and diabetes.
Skip to 1 minute and 0 seconds Even our ability to overcome infectious agents like viruses can be influenced biology, and in this MOOC you will learn about how genetic differences can lead to disease, how genetic approaches can be used to generate a diagnosis for patients, and how genetic information helps to facilitate better management treatment and options for affected individuals and their families. We hope that you will join us as we explore this amazing subject.