Skip to 0 minutes and 9 seconds Nowadays, GIS is used frequently in the health domain for creating maps showing disease prevalence and many other types of studies. We can split to domain into geographical epidemiology, studying the relationship between disease and the environment, and the geography of health facilities, concerned with the planning of health care and the evaluation of access to health facilities. However, there seems to be a gap emerging between health professionals on the one hand and scientists on the other hand. Many new techniques are being developed that do not seem to find their way towards the health workers yet, but have great possibilities for the collection, analysis, and mapping of health data.
Skip to 1 minute and 1 second This free, online course presents a selection of these innovative researchers and explains the techniques in an understandable way, with clear videos and exercises. The course is a collaboration between the Public Health Foundation of India, the Royal Tropical Institute in Amsterdam, and ITC faculty of the University of Twente in the Netherlands. These institutes have long experience in working with two geoinformatics within the health domain and combined training and research activities in an international setting. My name is Ellen-Wien Augustijn, and I invite you to join this course and hope you will become more aware of new techniques to apply GIS within the health domain.