Skip to 0 minutes and 5 seconds Have you ever felt bombarded by bad news? Climate change stories hit the headlines daily, from extreme weather events causing floods, fire, and drought, to the bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef here in Australia. Other significant environmental issues range from the so-called Great Pacific Garbage Patch to the health issues associated with air pollution in places such as Lagos, Karachi, Beijing, and of course, even in Los Angeles. It’s clear that human impact on the planet is immense, and in some cases, it is irreversible. However, it’s only half the story. Sustainable development is about what we have done, but it’s also about what we can do as individuals, as communities, and as nations to change the path of human development.
Skip to 0 minutes and 50 seconds In this course, you’ll learn about sustainable development in terms of decisions we can make today to positively affect the future. We will learn about development. We’ll learn about sustainability and sustainable development. We’ll look at the different ways in which sustainable development can be understood. We’ll investigate the impact that we as humans have had on our environment. We’ll explore the ways in which the future may be different if we act now in the present. We’re expecting people from all over the world with very diverse perspectives. This should make for a fascinating two weeks of study I’m looking forward to working with you on this FutureLearn course.