Skip to 0 minutes and 10 seconds We are surrounded by a hidden world of microscopic organisms which affect our lives every day, in mind boggling ways. They first evolved over 4 billion years ago and over time they’ve adapted to thrive in every environment on Earth. Photosynthetic microorganisms in our ocean create more oxygen than all the plants on Earth - but as well as the good guys, there are the bad ones. Despite advances in modern medicine, microbes continue to cause the death of millions of humans worldwide. Why are some microbes good and others bad? How can studying them benefit society and the world around us? Over the next 3 weeks, you will learn about the amazing complexity of microorganisms.
Skip to 1 minute and 9 seconds You will learn how to make a difference by studying or researching microbiology and have a chance to contribute to solving some of the world’s most pressing issues. Come and join us, and meet some of the experts based here at the University of Reading. See some of the research going on in our labs and meet the next generation of microbiologists.