Skip to 0 minutes and 10 seconds Migration is a fundamental phenomenon in human history. People move, since prehistoric times. Pilgrims, peddlers, merchants, colonisers– people moved escaping war and persecutions, but also in search of land, resources, opportunities, the dream of a better life. In the 19th century, migration started to be a mass phenomenon, also made easier by faster, safer, and cheaper transportation. Today, migration is an intrinsic feature of our globalising world. So why do people move? We will guide you through the complex world of migration– analysing the different types of migration, the main actors involved, the policies in place, the motivations behind the decision to move. With this course, we aim to address two main questions. What triggers migration? Which factors influence migrants’ decisions?
Skip to 1 minute and 28 seconds If you are interested in understanding this phenomenon and seeing how theories can explain real life cases, access anytime, anywhere, your MOOC. Watch the videos. Share ideas. Ask for feedback. Join our learning community. Enrol now.